September 2020 Celebrations!!!

It is tough to remember these days that life is good! We should greet everyday as a celebration, bring on the cake and champagne! Wear a tiara! Every single day there's something worthy of a happy dance. I challenge you to put on your dancing shoes.

Sept 12 - Chocolate Milkshake Day

Did you know that originally milkshakes were an alcoholic whiskey drink that has been described as a "sturdy, healthful eggnog type of drink, with eggs, whiskey, etc., served as a tonic as well as a treat". By 1900 the whiskey was replaced with either chocolate, strawberry or vanilla syrup.  

Sept 13 - Fortune Cookie Day

What would you like your fortune cookie to say? 

Sept 19 -  Talk like a pirate day. 

Arrrr maties, 'tis a grand day to be a pirate. And if ye be landlocked on this fine day of pirate talkin', maybe a drop o' grog will help ye speak like a matey.

Sept 21 - International Peace Day

The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

Sept 26 - Johnny Appleseed Day

Because without apples we wouldn't have apple pie and that would be a tragedy.


catherine winter

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