It's Studio Time! Video series.

It's Studio Time! Video series.

For ages and ages I’ve thought of sharing my flameworking process because playing with fire? Yes, it’s way cool. However that means sorting out technical issues (still working on those), and being in front of a camera, yikes! Usually I’m not really concerned with stuff like a bad hair day but a video, that’s... challenging. So the videos have been on the bottom of my to do list.

Finally I just decided, it’s time. And so Studio Time begins. It’s a series of short videos where I’ll walk you through glass 101. I’m planning on going live once or twice a week, no set schedule. I’ll post them on both Facebook and Instagram.

One of the things I want to show is all the work that happens before and after the torch is turned on. Last week I dipped mandrels. Today I set out my glass for the day and showed my glass “organization”. Today also I managed to shoot the whole thing sideways, ha ha ha! You know what, it’s fine, done is better than perfect.

Episode one is here on FB and here on IGTV.

Episode two is here on FB and here on IGTV.

flamework studio sailorgirl jewelry

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