Adventure Time!!!
Yippee!!! I am heading off for an adventure, just not quite sure what this adventure will be. Thanks to Hurricane Ian on September 28 we are heading off to a land of uncertainty. There is some damage to my boat, The Flying Saucer, I think it's minimal. Friends have sent pictures but until I am standing on board I won't know just how minimal. Keep your fingers crossed.
Here are some things I do know. There will be sunshine. There will be power tools. There will be sundowners. There will be beaches, swimming, laughs and some fun thrown in because life is short and we should all have fun.
I am not sure when I'm back. (Honestly I'm not even sure which day I'm leaving). Spring, let's just say sometime in the spring.
While I am off adventuring my website remains open and my lovely assistant Becky will be shipping orders for me. I will be in contact by email as it's unlikely we will leave the waters of the USA. Please take note, I will not be able to do any custom requests until I return, likely open for custom on June 1, maybe May 1.