21 Days of Joy
For the next 21 days I'm interrupting my usual posting on social media which in order to make a living and satisfy the algorithm is all about my work. I will still do some of that because there is the whole make a living thing. However, this is a very weird time of year, following what was a very weird year, in a very weird decade. Life is uncertain and strange and the ground is shifting. Small businesses like mine, and the owners, are so very tired. We dance constantly trying to stay afloat, keep up with social media, learn new technologies, deal with ever-changing algorithms, and just pay the damn bills. After all that dancing we then have to be upbeat and smile for the camera. Oh, and that's before we constantly come up with new work and continue to produce. It is simply exhausting.
A delightful friend has come up with project that I am excited by. 21 Days of Joy-Mongering. We have been discussing the rise of all this hate-mongering, and fear-mongering and it’s just heavy and awful. It’s hard to know what to do when you feel like how can anything I do possibly make this better? While I can’t change world events, I can do what I do well, what all my creative friends do well. We shine a light, we bring a moment of joy.
Jessica Lin came up with the term “joy-monger”. I love this. Join me and my friends in 21 days of joy-mongering. If you want to join in please do! If you'd like to read more about the project, check out Jessicalin.ca
disclaimer: I’m not really interrupting much because the weight of the world has stopped me from posting anything at all lately. And yes, I’m a couple of days late to this. You know what? Done is better than perfect.